What Determines Spousal Support Payments?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the amount and duration of spousal support payments can be determined by a variety of factors. Generally, spousal support is intended to help the lower-earning spouse maintain a similar standard of living after divorce. The following are some of the most common factors that are considered when determining spousal support payments:

  1. The couple’s income and assets
  2. The length of the marriage
  3. The age and health of both spouses
  4. How much each spouse contributed to the marriage
  5. Whether one spouse is staying home to care for children or other dependents
  6. Whether either spouse has been married before or has children from a previous relationship
  7. Whether either spouse is unemployed or underemployed

If you are seeking spousal support payments after divorce, it is important to speak with an experienced lawyer who can help you understand your options and advocate for your best interests. Contact LaCourse Law today to schedule a consultation at (918) 744-7100.

Can a Change in Circumstance Change Spousal Support Payments?

In some cases, a change in circumstance may justify a change in spousal support payments. For example, if the paying spouse loses their job or experiences a significant decrease in income, they may petition the court for a lower monthly payment. On the other hand, if the receiving spouse begins earning significantly more money than they did at the time of divorce, they may be asked to pay back some or all of the spousal support payments they have received.

It is important to note that any changes to spousal support payments must be approved by the court. If you are experiencing a change in circumstance and would like to discuss your options with an attorney, contact LaCourse Law today.

How Can a Lawyer Help Me?

If you are seeking spousal support payments after divorce, it is important to speak with an experienced lawyer who can help you understand your options and advocate for your best interests. Contact LaCourse Law today to schedule a consultation.

At LaCourse Law, we have years of experience helping clients obtain the spousal support they need and deserve. We will work with you to identify the factors that are most important to you in determining your payments, and we will aggressively advocate for your interests in court. Contact us today to get started.

Should I Reach Out to a Divorce Lawyer As Soon As Possible?

If you are considering divorce, it is important to speak with a child support lawyer as soon as possible. A lawyer can help you understand your options and protect your rights during the divorce process.

At LaCourse Law, we offer free initial consultations to all new clients. We will work with you to identify the factors that are most important to you in your divorce, and we will provide guidance every step of the way. Contact LaCourse Law today at 918-744-7100 to get the legal representation you need for your situation.