The LaCourse Law Culture

  • We fight for our clients with a Godly sense of Justice.
  • God’s view on justice often is not the same as man’s view.
  • We use Jesus Christ as our Model for Advocacy.
  • We provide excellence in legal services, practicing with Integrity, Professionalism and uncompromising advocacy.
  • We give our clients a voice in an arena where they often have no voice.
  • We speak TRUTH to our clients and not tell them just what they want to hear.
  • We use technology and innovation to give our clients every advantage possible to win.
  • We respond to our clients. Only mushrooms grow in the dark. Our clients are not mushrooms. Our clients need to be communicated with, educated and notified about issues regarding their important matter.
  • We provide a culture in our office that encourages community and builds our faith.
  • We help our clients WIN!
  • LaCourse Law exists to help clients WIN in their legal matter. Winning is accomplishing the outcome and objectives the client desires. Winning can look like many things. It can look like obtaining a successful jury verdict, receiving mediation or settlement outcome, getting a custody or property judgment from the court or even completing a customized estate plan suited just for you. We want clients to win in all the areas of law we service.
  • LaCourse Law is founded on biblical principles and will never compromise our culture or those values to improperly advance any cause. If you are a Christian in Northeast Oklahoma and you have a legal matter, LaCourse Law will be the first law firm that is considered for that legal need.

Why Choose Us?

LaCourse Law is a premier law firm in Tulsa, Oklahoma, with experienced attorneys ready to serve you. We have experienced lawyers prepared to help if you’re going through a divorce, child custody, child support, personal injury, civil litigation, and employment issues. You’ll learn that an attorney at LaCourse Law is the right fit for your legal needs. We practice law from a Christian paradigm. We integrate biblical standards into our legal practice every day.

What To Expect At Your Initial Consultation

When you come in to have your complimentary consultation at LaCourse Law, the one thing you will not feel is pressure. We do not believe that we should pressure anybody to make any decision. The Bible warns us about making hasty decisions, for example, Proverbs 28:25 (NIV) states, “to make rash, hasty decisions shows that you are not trusting the Lord…”

Rather than pressuring you into making any hasty decisions, at LaCourse Law, we will help you understand your facts and the unique circumstances and issues within your case. During your initial consultation, we will talk to you about what your opportunities might be, discuss what the potential ramifications are, and discuss the steps you should take. Please note that any information given to us during this consultation is confidential- we want you to feel safe and at ease during this process.

We will then allow you to leave, take time to pray about it, and discuss it with your close group to arrive at the best decision for you. None of our attorneys will pressure you to make any decision. We want you to feel peace in having us represent you here at LaCourse Law.

When legal issues arise you need an experienced team in your corner

Rather than pressuring you into making any hasty decisions, at LaCourse Law, we will help you understand what your facts are, and what the unique circumstances and issues are within your case. During your initial consultation, we will talk to you about what your opportunities might be, and discuss what the potential ramifications are, along with the steps you should take.

In-Depth case evaluation

Contact our experienced legal team for a no-obiligation case evaluation.

Please be mindful there is a fee for Family Law cases.