Liability in Tulsa Medical Malpractice Claims

When you have put your trust in a doctor’s care, a mistake can be more than devastating. Malpractice can damage your health or even take a loved one’s life, and you might wonder who to hold responsible.

An attorney can answer your questions about liability in Tulsa medical malpractice claims. Beyond just answering questions, our skilled medical negligence attorneys could also work with you to pursue the justice you deserve.

Who Can Be Held Responsible for Medical Malpractice?

The medical field has developed into a complex web of professionals, support staff, and facilities that provide care to patients. Different doctors and technicians may collaborate to diagnose your condition, conduct tests, and perform operations, complicating the issue of liability for malpractice.

The most likely person to commit malpractice is a doctor or surgeon who deals with you directly. If a doctor makes an unreasonable mistake in diagnosing your condition or prescribing treatment, you may be able to sue them for medical malpractice. Similarly, if a surgeon causes injury or death through their behavior during surgery, you could also hold them liable.

Other professionals can also be liable for malpractice. For example, if a radiologist misreads an x-ray and misses a critical condition, or if an anesthesiologist gives an incorrect or dangerous dose of anesthesia during surgery, that could be considered medical malpractice.

Of course, the facility providing care, such as a Tulsa hospital or medical practice, might be liable for medical malpractice claims as well. Ultimately, an attorney can best inform you about who you could sue for malpractice and how.

Applying Liability to a Medical Malpractice Compensation Claim

An injury claim is usually based on negligence, where an injury happens by accident. In most cases, personal injury claims come from someone breaching a legal duty of care through their unreasonable actions or inactions. This duty is measured against the actions of an ordinary person in the same position.

In medical malpractice cases, “reasonable care” is judged differently than in other situations. Instead of using the standard of an ordinary person, doctors and medical professionals are held to the prevailing standard of care set by the medical community in their area. This standard, which may apply locally or statewide, defines what a doctor should have done in a given situation based on professional guidelines.

You will need evidence of what your doctor did or did not do, as well as the opinion of a medical expert, to sustain a claim of liability for medical malpractice in Tulsa. An attorney can take the lead on gathering the necessary information and finding an expert willing and able to testify on your behalf, all within the statute of limitations (set at just two years under Oklahoma Statutes §76–18).

Speak to a Tulsa Attorney About Medical Malpractice Liability

The path to recovery after medical malpractice can vary. Some circumstances, like misdiagnosis, may take longer to unfold, while others, such as surgical errors, have immediate consequences. Regardless of the situation, determining liability in a Tulsa medical malpractice claim depends on the specific details.

A skilled attorney could assess your case, identify responsible parties, and advise you on pursuing a malpractice claim. Contact our trusted local team today to learn more about your rights and potential compensation.