LaCourse Law Attorneys At Law 3

Legal Assistant

Katie Garza

Katie Garza, LaCourse Law’s newest Legal Assistant, has made Tulsa her home since childhood and is pursuing a degree in Paralegal Studies and Criminal Justice at Tulsa Community College. With a passion for helping people and a specialty in family law, Katie provides compassionate support to clients during challenging times. Outside of work and school, she enjoys spending time with her pets and family.

Meet Katie Garza

Meet LaCourse Law’s newest Legal Assistant Katie Garza. Katie is not a Tulsa native but has been here since childhood and considers Tulsa her home. Katie will be graduating from Tulsa Community College this Spring with a degree in Paralegal Studies and Criminal Justice. She plans to continue her education with a degree in Psychology.

Katie has always had a passion for helping people and the law which led her to this career. Family law is her specialty, and she takes great care to show each client the compassion and attention they need during such a turbulent time in their life.

Outside the office you can find Katie either doing schoolwork, spending time with her family, or playing video games. No matter what she is doing, she’d prefer to be doing it with one of her cats in her lap and her dog at her feet.

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